Enjoying myself is the best thing I am able to do in this period.
Feeling tired to explain again and again what I think, what I want , what I am looking for.
I prefer to listen, to stay with myself, to act.
Basically this life has a lot of regulations we need to fallow. But why to use them in our free time? what is the advantage? to feel like at work?
It could happen to do something stupid but let me say, we are human. We make mistakes than we evolve.. Of course hurting people is a shame and shall be avoided but if it happens I always hope it is only a superficial scratch because after that the pain is inside both persons (who generate it and who received it).
I think there are no excuses to be a bad person but there are a lot of miss understanding that can be resolved with voluntary decision to give a chance to a person.
When a miss understanding comes and you have hurt someone then the moment to understand who you have in front comes. What will happen then? Does this person really love me? Because once again. We are NOT perfect.
In this moment of my life I am really concentrated to love myself but it is already one week I am thinking how to better embrace others in that love, how to share it, how to make it bigger. Hopefully I was sharing my love also before but right now I want to go deeper.
The “Love” concept it is very complicated and so many persons talked about it but
- if you do not love yourself how could you love someone else?
- if you love yourself how to share it without to be hurt or to get hurt?
- and if you love yourself and your little world, what would happen when you do mistakes and you hurt someone you love?
Unfortunately like Oscar Wilde would say: “To ask is legitimate, to answer is courtesy”. My courtesy is lunatic and in this circumstances my answers would not be so exhaustive so let me take the chance to let them open questions.
When I was young at school, learning computer engineer, professors several times teach me: “there are several possibility to solve an algorithm, some solutions are more efficient than others, some could be considered better but remember there are always several ways, find your way”. Thinking about it remind me the story I usually say it around.
The story is about a girl living in a little village. She bought a new bicycle for her birthday. the shop was at the opposite site of where she was living in the village and the only way to go there was passing through the main street.
She choose a red bicycle (because she loves that colour). Walking home people from the village started to say to her: hey you! your new bicycle is really good! but why it is in red colour?
The man selling fruit says: please change it in green, this is the right colour for this bicycle.
The woman friends of her mother says:please change it in orange, this is the right colour for this bicycle.
The man who fix broken roof says:please change it in blue, this is the right colour for this bicycle.
The lawyer of the village says: please change it in black, this is the right colour for this bicycle.
All the time she fallowed what people where saying to her. She continued to change the colour until when while making the bicycle black she stopped and she realise that it does not make any sense. She likes it red and red it shall be.
Of course I expect some persons got hurt by her decision but at the end what she could do for them? Why they were not able to be happy for her without to judge what she loves?
Why do not trust the possibility we all have (independently to our nationality or colour) to make the right decision for ourself?Why judgement is so on fashion in this little village? Are we or not: young, intelligent, with a modest culture, going around the world discovering new realities, thinking to be good persons and against war?
And even so: Why do you still believe to have the truth for someone else?
I know Nazism is on fashion too but let me say, if making judgment to other life generate bed feeling and sadness into your closed people mind…are you sure you wish the best for them? and if after that that persons do not want to spend time with you .. Do you recognise what it is happening to your life? Live is tough but it is beautiful and people are amazing.
All what we need is Love.
I love my life
my new lovers of last 10 months: A***E – A*O – G**A- J**S – L***A – L***A ..family is increasing.
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