Love as much as you can
Snow, more snow but steps to take and life to live. Life is not asking for permissions. Life is not gentle, life takes what wants and gives it what wants when it wants. Of course we are not behind all what is happening but the huge multitude of events cannot be controlled. I guess, I would say, please just accept …
A red Bicycle
Enjoying myself is the best thing I am able to do in this period. Feeling tired to explain again and again what I think, what I want , what I …
Last day of Summer
Quando il tempo vola, la mente – piena di emozioni e di vita – elabora senza sosta un percorso. La mente traccia un cammino senza voce che la coscienza ha …
Le Cicale
Le Cicale, il suono dell´estate. Il suono del calore che si sprigiona nell´aria e permette alla mente di vagare tra i ricordi. Ricordi di una bambina che giocava nei prati …
In Vino veritas
Since the beginning Lilith knew all what was going to happen but she ignored it. This is a story like others this is not a love story this is a story …